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サウンド解決済み修正済み2019-09-20 07:362024-11-25 00:27
テスターMetalGod担当者 ソースsega/model2.cpp
セット vf2 and clones
vf2 - バーチャファイター2.1
概 要アトラクトモードのパンチ音がずっと残る。
詳 細Repeating sound in Attract mode bugs the game (USA)

In the final sequence of the attract characters presentation, when Akira show up and performs an attack, his punch sound will loop repeating itself all the time, even if you insert coin and start game.

It only happens if the game region is changed to USA. After changing the country the game must be closed. Once you open the game it will always glitch in that scene.
Regression is mame 0.209
再現手順Press F2 to enter Test Mode
Go to Game Asignments=>Change Country to USA
Close the game (do not restart, CLOSE IT)
Open the game again
See the attract mode untill the final scene with AKIRA