カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
グラフィック認証済み未処理2018-10-09 04:472018-10-10 09:55
テスターzaxxon担当者 ソースcinematronics/cinemat.cpp
セット tailg
tailg - テイルガンナー
概 要シールドのアニメーションが無い。
詳 細in Tailgunner, it seems there should be some kind of 'animation' effect occurring when you use your shield, which is not emulated in MAME. the animation effect of the shield could be described as 'flowing lines' perhaps?

below, in the first youtube video of the cabinet you can see the shield in use at 2:56 minutes, and then also at various points onwards

in the second youtube video below you can see the shield in use from 45 seconds into the video, and then also at various points onwards

(note: if you slow down the youtube video playback speed to 0.25 you can see the shield 'animation' a little better)

添付ファイルjpg filetg1.jpg (2018-10-09 04:47)
jpg filetg2_pcb.jpg (2018-10-09 04:47)