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実機資料解決済み修正済み2012-04-30 01:322012-05-01 07:28
テスターPythagoras担当者 ソースcapcom/cps2.cpp
セット vhunt2d
vhunt2d - ヴァンパイアハンター2 -ダークストーカーズリベンジ- (日本版 970913 Phoenix Edition) (海賊版)
概 要セルフテストで、Program Rom 04のエラーが起こる。
詳 細ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "vh2j_d.06", 0x200000, 0x80000, CRC(f320ea30) SHA1(c7853b83892a49917e7a0aa68bc66875a9263589) ) // fails rom test, bad? I don't see why this should change

Should be replaced with: (Rom vhj_d.06 is just a bad dump of the vh2j.06 rom which is already included in the driver)

ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "vh2j.07", 0x200000, 0x80000, CRC(b021c029) SHA1(de4299197600608e83fe50775e3f352f5add844d) )
再現手順Mame vhunt2d, after the phoenix logo disappears use F2 to enter service mode.
Do a romtest ( Select (8...). Rom 4 will be marked as "NG", The fix above will fix this issue.
追加情報The revision of the the rom is: "Japan 970913 Phoenix Edition" Not 970929 as displayed at the top of the screen.

See Attached screenshot. (had to use printscreen to get all info).
添付ファイルjpg filevhunt2d.jpg (2012-04-30 01:32)