カテゴリ |
重要度 |
ステータス |
解決状況 |
登録日時 |
最終更新 |
ドキュメント | 最小 | 解決済み | 修正済み | 2009-09-24 13:36 | 2011-03-21 02:57 |
テスター | sxevious | 担当者 |   | ソース | namco/galaga.cpp |
バージョン | 0.134u1 | 発生バージョン | | 修正バージョン | 0.141u4 |
| | 修正コミット | | プルリク | |
フラグ | |
セット |
xeviousa, xeviousb, xeviousc |
セット詳細 |
xeviousa - ゼビウス (Atari, harder)
xeviousc - ゼビウス (Atari, Namco PCB)
概 要 | xeviuscがオリジナルのAtariライセンス版。xeviusaは難易度が上がった後期版。 |
詳 細 | xeviousb is actually the original Atari licensed version; xeviousa is a later version in which the difficulty was increased, the point values of the Sol Citadels was decreased from 2000 to 1000 points (for both revealing and destroying them) and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th special flags lines were relocated. |
再現手順 | Bomb and destroy a Sol Citadel and watch the score increase, it's 2000 points in sets xevious (Namco original) and xeviousb (original Atari licensed) but 1000 points in the harder xeviousa set. The special flags are harder to check, the 1st flag is in the first river all sets but the well known lines for the later flags are not the same in the xeviousa set. For example the 2nd flag line is not near the end of the first Bacura shield area but just before the first grey airstrip in the xeviousa set. |
追加情報 | |
添付ファイル | |