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マルチセッション解決済み修正済み2008-02-07 01:212008-02-18 15:35
テスター-Misc Reporters-担当者 ソースnamco/namcos1.cpp
セット UI and namcos1.c problem
概 要ビルトインUIとnamcos.1cゲームの表示問題。
詳 細Both galaga88 and galag88j. I suspect other games might be effected by this, but I haven't had time to test.

Start MAME up and via fallback interface, select either GALAGA 88 set. Start emulation.. start game, see the ships - hit escape. Re-select via interface GALAGA 88 again - start, ships are not showing! In fact, no enemies sprites are showing either.. just the background and the ships in reserve.

The F4 viewer seems to show that the sprites/characters are still there, however.

Regression is 0.117u2 - the first version which reverted back to the GUI after exiting a game.
追加情報Posted by Rogerr / Tafoid / twisty