カテゴリ | 重要度 | ステータス | 解決状況 | 登録日時 | 最終更新 |
![]() | 低 | 解決済み | 修正済み | 2008-02-07 01:17 | 2008-02-07 01:17 |
テスター | -Misc Reporters- | 担当者 |   | ソース | seibu/toki.cpp |
バージョン | 0.56 | 発生バージョン | 0.37b16 | 修正バージョン | 0.122u3 |
修正コミット | プルリク | ||||
フラグ | 旧BugID | tokiu056gre | |||
セット | tokib | ||||
セット詳細 |
![]() | ||||
概 要 | ハイスコアに000000が表示されている。 | ||||
詳 細 | "0000000" is always displayed as the top hiscore during gameplay, regardless of what it actually is. This does not happen in the other Toki sets. Follow-ups by Luigi30 and Lord Nightmare in 0.117: The scores are stored at 060000-06000F. Before you start a game, it overwrites those addresses with data from an empty RAM address, erasing them. The high score is saved between games and in attract mode, but is cleared when a game starts. That could be a mirroring bug, its possible the score is supposed to be mirrored at the empty ram address. It could also be something to do with protection being mapped at that address, and the protection remapping something else to appear at its address depending on its state. | ||||
再現手順 | |||||
追加情報 | Posted by zaxxon1 / Luigi30 / Lord Nightmare | ||||
添付ファイル |