カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
サウンド未処理2024-12-05 11:352024-12-27 10:04
テスター125scratch担当者 ソースnintendo/dkong.cpp
セット dkong and clones
dkong - ドンキーコング (US版 set 1)
概 要歩く音とジャンプの音が低すぎて小さすぎる。
詳 細I am fully aware this issue has been reported before and closed. I am also aware that there are subtle differences in analog audio between individual PCBs, and that cabinet acoustics affect game sound. However, I do not believe the acoustics to be the issue here, and I noticed that on all cabinet and PCB footage I found plus on all-original cabinets that I have played personally, while the pitch of the analog sound does vary slightly between the examples, they all fall within a relatively consistent range, which is always much higher than it sounds in MAME. Additionally they sound louder and crisper.

In addition, it's possible that the current low-pass filter being used is a bit heavy on the bass compared to the PCB recordings, maybe one closer to that which is currently used for Donkey Kong Jr. would work better.

Video examples:



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