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グラフィック認証済み未処理2024-11-25 20:192024-12-10 01:54
テスターMark担当者 ソースsharp/x68k.cpp
セット x68000 [chorensa]
x68000 - X68000
概 要[chorensa] 画面右端がリピートしている。
詳 細When running chorensa, the right hand side of the display is repeated.
This is a regression between MAME 0.251 and 0.252.
See attached file for visuals.
再現手順With MAME 0.252
.\mame.exe x68000 -rompath "..\x68000\bios" -nvram_directory "..\x68000
vram" -nomouse -flop1 "..\x68000\disks\超連射68K.2hd"
Note the corruption on the right hand side of the screen once the game has auto-loaded.

Repeat with 0.251, see no corruption.
追加情報I had a look through the commits list for x68k changes, but wasn't able to spot anything obvious.
添付ファイルjpg fileRegression Views.jpg (2024-11-25 20:19)
mp4 fileRecording 2024-11-29 212710.compressed.mp4 (2024-11-30 06:30)