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クラッシュ/フリーズ重要 (本体)認証済み未処理2024-11-23 15:322024-12-23 08:40
テスターRobbbert担当者 ソースmattel/aquarius.cpp
セット aquarius
aquarius - Aquarius (NTSC)
概 要特定のスロットの組み合わせで致命的エラーが起こる。
詳 細You must start aquarius with a cartridge.

Follow the "Steps To Reproduce".

MAME will bomb out to the command line with the message
Fatal error: Unknown slot option 'nss_tvi' in slot 'exp'

This is strange because the nss_tvi option belongs with the "printer" slot, not with "exp".
再現手順Start mame with any cartridge, for example

>mame aquarius btime

Go to Slot Devices

In the first slot, choose any option except pty or printer. Then go to the last setting (exp) and press right arrow key.
MAME will unexpectedly exit.

On the first slot (printer), if you cycle the list all the way around, the bug will then occur for any selection - pty and printer are no longer exempt.