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グラフィック仮承認未処理2024-07-13 02:442024-07-18 22:50
テスターrcoltrane担当者 ソースatari/atarig1.cpp
セット all pitfight sets
pitfight - ピットファイター (rev 9)
概 要実機と大幅に表示が違う。
詳 細After some tests with my new video capture card, I saw that Pit-Fighter graphics that are processed by the game's internal scaling system (all background and sprite graphics that appear in between the two side bars, excluding the texts/mugshots layer) are different when compared to the real PCB. To demonstrate it, I captured the very same frame from one of the game's intro sequence that are the same in both MAME and PCB and put these two images into an animated GIF file here (see attached gif file at the end of this report). Both images have the very same size, so the side bars/top mugshots and texts are extremely aligned.
This test allows us to see that all graphics that are processed by the scaling system (warehouse structure and wooden box behind the crowd, background crowd, main characters and floor) are all changed in one way or another. Graphics on the PCB are slightly better and more defined than in MAME. Positions of the crowd sprites are slightly different, their graphics are also different, the wooden box at the back of the crowd has more details on the pcb than on MAME, the main characters shadows, positions and graphics are slightly different too. The “vertical gaps” already reported here in the past, that are more prominent in MAME than in the real hardware could also be related to the same scaling system emulation.
With this and other tests I did, I think it may have something to do with how graphics that pass through the scaling system are being handled. Or maybe the emulation of the grouth system itself is not perfect, and therefore it delivers different objects/positions on screen.
再現手順Video recorded straight from the original 3 player rev. 3 pcb.
追加情報Recorded intro loops up to the 6th loop without inserting a coin and took a screenshot from the 6th loop fight demonstration (kato vs heavy metal). If you do not insert a coin for the 1st time, all intro sequences/fight demonstrations are the same in both pcb and MAME.
添付ファイルgif filepitfight3-pcb-mame-scaled-graphics-comparison.gif (2024-07-13 02:44)
pdf fileatari-raster-scaling-system-pat5363119.pdf (2024-07-18 22:49)