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グラフィック解決済み修正済み2022-11-28 21:212022-11-29 00:51
修正コミット b36c7a9プルリク
セット tascr30
tascr30 - ChessSystem R30 (The King 2.50)
概 要ロケール設定により.layパーサエラーが起こる。
詳 細Locale setting causes .lay parser error. There's a bug either in the XML parser or rendlay. It's not specific to tascr30, it also happens with renaissa, maybe more artwork is affected too.
再現手順- change OS decimal point setting to comma (commonly, it's a dot. On non-English Windows it may be a comma already)
- mame tascr30
- notice the leds are placed wrong
- don't forget to change OS setting back
追加情報Reported to me by Luis on a German forum. I was told 0.236 is the last version where the bug does not happen.
添付ファイルpng filetascr30_good.png (2022-11-28 21:24)
png filetascr30_wrong.png (2022-11-28 21:24)
png fileScreenshot (346).png (2022-11-28 21:34)