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クラッシュ/フリーズ重要 (ゲーム)解決済み修正済み2008-02-06 01:402008-02-15 02:27
テスター-Misc Reporters-担当者 ソースkaneko/snowbros.cpp
セット wintbob
wintbob - The Winter Bobble (スノーブラザーズ海賊版)
概 要31面か32面でリセットがかかる。
詳 細Automatic reset in levels 31, 32 and so on when grey lion shot first fireball. if u kill all this grey lions before they shot the fireball crash doesn't happens, but if only one lion shot a fireball game reset automatically.

here a dump from mame 0108u2 with debug active:

when the program counter == BE04
BE04: dc.w $f16e; opcode 1111
the program counter jump to 027A:
027A dc.w $4848; ILLEGAL
then 0276 in a infinite loop:
0276 dc.w $4848; ILLEGAL

Savestate is for mame 0.108u2 withe debug and cheat active.
追加情報Posted by Layne / robiza
添付ファイルzip filesavestate_0.108u2.zip (2008-02-15 02:27)