カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
グラフィック解決済み修正済み2022-06-08 00:102022-06-09 07:26
修正コミット 27442a3プルリク
セット toprollr
toprollr - トップローラー
概 要プレイヤーのライフ表示が正しくない。
詳 細The player life counter in the lower left corner of the screen is using the wrong graphics. The tiles currently being used by the emulation are from the death graphic used when the player falls into the water.

I checked MAME versions as far back as 0.108, and this appears to have always been incorrect, rather than a regression.

There are other small graphics issues that will be added below in follow up notes.
再現手順Start game.
Compare life counter in MAME to attached hardware screen photo.
添付ファイルjpg filetop_roller_life_counter.jpg (2022-06-08 00:10)
jpg filetop_roller_cloud.jpg (2022-06-08 00:20)
jpg filetop_roller_btanb_ref.jpg (2022-06-08 00:22)
jpg filetop_roller_gm.jpg (2022-06-08 00:40)
jpg filetop_roller_card.jpg (2022-06-08 00:41)