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サウンド解決済み修正済み2022-06-08 00:052022-06-09 07:25
修正コミット 3e4d77bプルリク
セット toprollr
toprollr - トップローラー
概 要車の効果音が正しくない。
詳 細The vehicle enemies that appear in Top Roller trigger a repeating sound sample or sound effect, but in MAME the repeat rate of this sound is much too slow. This is not a regression.

Compare the sound from MAME to the reference video on twitter linked below.
再現手順Start the game.
(It might be helpful to enable the invincibility cheat)
Note sound when truck appears on screen

repeat for helicopter, motorcycle, etc.

The motorcycle has the loudest sound effect, and might be the best reference for correcting the audio, but this problem affects all the vehicles, truck, helicopter, etc.

The above link is the best hardware sound reference I have. It was filmed in a quiet location with decent volume, as opposed to other hardware videos that are filmed in a noisy arcade.

The end of the reference video does appear to confirm the suppression of the skater bump sound effect whenever a vehicle is on screen. I assume this is an original hardware limitation.

The music tune is a sped up version of The Ventures "Walk Don't Run" from 1960, which you can listen to on youtube.