カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
DIP/入力解決済み修正済み2022-04-07 10:292022-04-15 15:12
テスターchaneman担当者Steve Coomberソースgalaxian/galaxian.cpp
修正コミット dda43f2プルリク #9537
セット takeoff
takeoff - Take Off (ジ・エンド海賊版)
概 要残ライフ、ボーナスライフ、サービスのDIPが動作していない。
詳 細DIPS below Coin B are not correct.
Picture below shows Lives DIP set to 3 but 7
lives are given. Changing this DIP does change
the number of lives but they don't match setting.

Bonus Life DIP is same as above. Doesn't match
bonus printed on screen after inserting a credit.
This DIP is also affecting the number of lives
depending on it's setting.

Service Mode DIP not working.

Parent set and all other clones unaffected.
再現手順Load and run game.
Change DIP settings as mentioned above and Reset game. Soft Reset F3 not working on this one.
Repeat for all DIPS noted.
添付ファイルjpg fileTake Off DIPS Incorrect.jpg (2022-04-07 10:29)