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クラッシュ/フリーズ重要 (本体)認証済み未処理2022-01-10 02:442022-11-15 09:25
テスターKale担当者 ソースsega/naomi.cpp
セット wwfroyal
wwfroyal - WWFロイヤルランブル
概 要ゲームテストモードに入るとMAMEが固まる。
詳 細WWF Royal Rumble crashes MAME with a meaningless stack trace when entering in game test mode.
It will load that for a bit with a black screen then punts.
再現手順Press F2 when NAOMI logo appears;
Press '9' until game test mode is highlighted;
Press F2 to enter into game test mode, wait until game crashes;
追加情報It seems to access a bit of naomi_m2_board::read_callback fn before crashing, which isn't consistent (i.e. same NVRAM/.inp doesn't give same results on different runs) and may not be the culprit.
Stack trace is so meaningless that it may "eat" letters when dumping (i.e. "xptio at P000000010fb9 (ot fo): ACC VAT
Whi attptig to ra ory at")
添付ファイルpng file0005.png (2022-01-10 02:45)