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ゲームプレイ重要 (ゲーム)仮承認未処理2021-12-17 12:012021-12-18 21:19
テスターKale担当者 ソースsega/naomi.cpp
セット usagiym
usagiym - 兎 -野性の闘牌- 山城麻雀編 (日本版) (GDL-0022)
概 要特定のコンボで固まる。
詳 細This is very specific and may even be by game design.
I wanted to do a full open Toi Toi but brain farted and instead called chi on last tile. This causes my hand to be invalid.
But then game froze without giving any actual option to suppress my original error?
再現手順Needs specific mahjong domain knowledge.
Save state provided as proof of concept.
追加情報Hang snippet:

0C090FF2: 65E3 MOV R14,R5
0C090FF4: 75FF ADD #$FF,R5
0C090FF6: 6E53 MOV R5,R14
0C090FF8: 4E11 CMP/PZ R14
0C090FFA: 89B1 BT $0C090F60
0C090FFC: 60C3 MOV R12,R0
0C090FFE: 8801 CMP/EQ #$01,R0
0C091000: 8B01 BF $0C091006
0C091002: AFFE BRA $0C091002 ; tight loops here
0C091004: 0009 NOP

May be unhandled exception so that user loses credit off the bat?
http://mamedev.emulab.it/kale/fast/files/chombo_penalty.zip -> Save state on the affecting situation.
https://riichi.wiki/Chombo -> Chombo Rules in mahjong.
添付ファイルpng file0008.png (2021-12-18 21:19)