カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
サウンド解決済み修正済み2021-03-23 10:132021-06-22 03:45
修正コミット c5f283fプルリク
セット vis
vis - Video Information System MD-2500
概 要効果音がノイズになる。
詳 細Some sound effects will be played back as noise.
Not all sound effects will be played back as noise, but certain sound effects will be played back normally.
The sound effect that plays normally and the sound effect that becomes noise are not randomly interchangeable, but are fixed.
再現手順In the case of Sherlock Holmes, the opening screen is already mostly noise.
Oh no, the music playing at the same time sounds right.

Links :In the case of The Challenge of Golf, when I wait for a while on the play screen, the random sound effects such as birdsong play normally, but the male voice becomes noisy.
添付ファイルzip fileSound.zip (2021-03-23 10:13)