カテゴリ | 重要度 | ステータス | 解決状況 | 登録日時 | 最終更新 |
![]() | 重要 (本体) | 認証済み | 未処理 | 2021-03-15 08:26 | 2022-11-15 18:04 |
テスター | Andrew | 担当者 |   | ソース | sega/stv.cpp |
バージョン | 0.229 | 発生バージョン | 修正バージョン | ||
修正コミット | プルリク | ||||
フラグ | |||||
セット | diehard | ||||
セット詳細 |
![]() | ||||
概 要 | スタート時にクラッシュする。 | ||||
詳 細 | MAME crashes when using -video bgfx and -bgfx_backend d3d12. Works fine when not using the bgfx_backend switch. Same result with batmanfr. | ||||
再現手順 | E:\emulator-mame>mame diehard -verbose -rompath e:\arcade -video bgfx -bgfx_backend d3d12 | ||||
追加情報 | Attempting load of mame.ini Attempting load of mame.ini Attempting load of horizont.ini Attempting load of arcade.ini drc_cache: RWX pages supported drc_cache: RWX pages supported Attempting load of raster.ini Parsing raster.ini Attempting load of source\stv.ini Attempting load of stvbios.ini Attempting load of diehard.ini Reading translation file English: 1 strings, original table at word offset 7, translated table at word offset 9 Loaded 0 translations from file English Starting plugin data... Attempting load of mame.ini Attempting load of mame.ini Attempting load of horizont.ini Attempting load of arcade.ini drc_cache: RWX pages supported drc_cache: RWX pages supported Attempting load of raster.ini Parsing raster.ini Attempting load of source\stv.ini Attempting load of stvbios.ini Attempting load of diehard.ini drc_cache: RWX pages supported drc_cache: RWX pages supported Video: Monitor 2163913 = "\\.\DISPLAY1" (primary) Video: Monitor 1508503 = "\\.\DISPLAY2" Physical width 1920, height 1080 RawInput: APIs detected RawInput: APIs detected RawInput: APIs detected DirectSound: Primary buffer: 48000 Hz, 16 bits, 2 channels Input: Adding keyboard #0: Wireless Keyboard Filter Device (device id: \\?\HID#VID_045E&PID_07B2&MI_00#7&36ea89d4&0&0000#{884b96c3-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd}) Input: Adding keyboard #1: Standard PS/2 Keyboard (device id: \\?\ACPI#PNP0303#0#{884b96c3-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd}) Input: Adding keyboard #2: HID Keyboard Device (device id: \\?\HID#VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_00#7&a862c1d&0&0000#{884b96c3-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd}) Input: Adding mouse #0: HID-compliant mouse (device id: \\?\HID#VID_045E&PID_07B2&MI_01&Col01#7&2e08a45c&0&0000#{378de44c-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd}) Input: Adding mouse #1: HID-compliant mouse (device id: \\?\HID#VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_01&Col01#7&2249b862&0&0000#{378de44c-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd}) Input: Adding lightgun #0: HID-compliant mouse (device id: \\?\HID#VID_045E&PID_07B2&MI_01&Col01#7&2e08a45c&0&0000#{378de44c-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd}) Input: Adding lightgun #1: HID-compliant mouse (device id: \\?\HID#VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_01&Col01#7&2249b862&0&0000#{378de44c-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd}) Input: Adding joystick #0: Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2 (device id: Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2 product_c219046d-0000-0000-0000-504944564944 instance_72536ec0-3eb3-11ea-8001-444553540000) unzip: opened archive file e:\arcade\diehard.zip unzip: found e:\arcade\diehard.zip ECD unzip: e:\arcade\diehard.zip has no ZIP64 ECD locator unzip: read e:\arcade\diehard.zip central directory unzip: closing archive file e:\arcade\diehard.zip and sending to cache unzip: opened archive file e:\arcade\stvbios.zip unzip: found e:\arcade\stvbios.zip ECD unzip: e:\arcade\stvbios.zip has no ZIP64 ECD locator unzip: read e:\arcade\stvbios.zip central directory unzip: closing archive file e:\arcade\stvbios.zip and sending to cache unzip: found e:\arcade\diehard.zip in cache unzip: opened archive file e:\arcade\diehard.zip unzip: closing archive file e:\arcade\diehard.zip and sending to cache unzip: found e:\arcade\diehard.zip in cache unzip: opened archive file e:\arcade\diehard.zip unzip: closing archive file e:\arcade\diehard.zip and sending to cache unzip: found e:\arcade\diehard.zip in cache unzip: opened archive file e:\arcade\diehard.zip unzip: closing archive file e:\arcade\diehard.zip and sending to cache unzip: found e:\arcade\diehard.zip in cache unzip: opened archive file e:\arcade\diehard.zip unzip: closing archive file e:\arcade\diehard.zip and sending to cache unzip: found e:\arcade\diehard.zip in cache unzip: opened archive file e:\arcade\diehard.zip unzip: closing archive file e:\arcade\diehard.zip and sending to cache unzip: opened archive file e:\arcade\segabill.zip unzip: found e:\arcade\segabill.zip ECD unzip: e:\arcade\segabill.zip has no ZIP64 ECD locator unzip: read e:\arcade\segabill.zip central directory unzip: closing archive file e:\arcade\segabill.zip and sending to cache Optional device ':hopper' not found Optional device ':315_5838' not found Optional device ':315_5881' not found Optional memory bank ':protbank' not found Optional device ':rax' not found Optional device ':stv_slot4' not found Optional device ':stv_slot3' not found Optional device ':stv_slot2' not found Optional device ':stv_slot1' not found Optional I/O port ':fake' not found Optional memory region ':smpc:smem' not found Optional memory region ':eeprom' not found Optional memory region ':screen' not found Optional memory region ':scsp' not found Starting Die Hard Arcade (UET 960515 V1.000) ':' (missing dependencies; rescheduling) Starting Hitachi SH-2 ':maincpu' Starting Timer ':scantimer' Starting Hitachi SH-2 ':slave' Starting Timer ':slave_scantimer' Starting Motorola MC68000 ':audiocpu' Starting Sega System Control Unit ':scu' Starting Sega SCUDSP ':scu:scudsp' Starting Sega Saturn SMPC HLE (HD404920FS) ':smpc' Starting NVRAM ':smpc:smem' Starting Serial EEPROM 93C46 (64x16) ':eeprom' Starting Video Screen ':screen' Starting palette ':palette' Starting gfxdecode ':gfxdecode' Starting Speaker ':lspeaker' (missing dependencies; rescheduling) Starting Speaker ':rspeaker' (missing dependencies; rescheduling) Starting Yamaha YMF292-F SCSP ':scsp' Starting Sega Billboard ':billboard' Starting Zilog Z80 ':billboard:billcpu' Starting Sega 315-5338A I/O Controller ':billboard:io' Starting Die Hard Arcade (UET 960515 V1.000) ':' (missing dependencies; rescheduling) Starting Speaker ':lspeaker' Starting Speaker ':rspeaker' Starting Die Hard Arcade (UET 960515 V1.000) ':' Attempting to parse: default.cfg Attempting to parse: diehard.cfg ----------------------------------------------------- Exception at EIP=00007fffe6c94521 (register_frame_ctor+0xda7d7f21): ACCESS VIOLATION While attempting to write memory at 000000003a1b000c ----------------------------------------------------- RAX=000000003a1af900 RBX=000000000000071c RCX=000000003a1b0010 RDX=000000000dfc0664 RSI=0000000000063880 RDI=0000000000061900 RBP=000000001ea1f9d0 RSP=000000001ea1f9a8 R8=000000000000000c R9=0000000000000000 R10=0000000045cdaec0 R11=000000003a1b000c R12=00000000000000e0 R13=000000004810cdf0 R14=000000000000071c R15=00000000000000e0 ----------------------------------------------------- Stack crawl: 000000001ea1f9a0: 00007fffe6c94521 (memcpy+0x0161) 000000001ea1f9d0: 0000000006c5bd1d (bx::memCopy(void*, void const*, unsigned long long)+0x000d) 000000001ea1fbd0: 0000000006be3c6a (bgfx::d3d12::TextureD3D12::update(ID3D12GraphicsCommandList*, unsigned char, unsigned char, bgfx::Rect const&, unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short, bgfx::Memory const*)+0x01fa) 000000001ea1fc30: 000000000a0bc19e (bgfx::d3d12::RendererContextD3D12::updateTexture(bgfx::TextureHandle, unsigned char, unsigned char, bgfx::Rect const&, unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short, bgfx::Memory const*)+0x005e) 000000001ea1fd30: 0000000006bccfe4 (bgfx::Context::flushTextureUpdateBatch(bgfx::CommandBuffer&)+0x0234) 000000001ea1fea0: 0000000006bcd121 (bgfx::Context::rendererExecCommands(bgfx::CommandBuffer&)+0x00e1) 000000001ea1fee0: 000000000a0c6707 (bgfx::Context::renderThread(bx::Thread*, void*)+0x00c7) 000000001ea1ff20: 0000000006c6a6b5 (bx::ThreadInternal::threadFunc(void*)+0x0035) 000000001ea1ff50: 00007fffe6ae7034 (BaseThreadInitThunk+0x0014) 000000001ea1ffd0: 00007fffe8ac2651 (RtlUserThreadStart+0x0021) | ||||
添付ファイル |