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BugID: #07586

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グラフィック解決済み修正済み2020-03-08 02:562023-02-02 04:47
テスターhap担当者Ryan Holtzソース
修正コミット 5671484プルリク #10858
概 要BGFX D3D9 モードだとマルチブレンドを行うアートワークが真っ黒になってしまう。
詳 細Artwork: screen combined with multiply-blend does not work on BGFX D3D9.
With MAME's layout artwork system, when blending the screen by multiplying with another element, in some cases(which exactly?), it does not work properly with BGFX D3D9.

Exact cause is unsure, symptom is severe: a blank screen element.
But it only happens with this backend, so I'll leave bug severity on Minor.
再現手順mame64.exe ccmk5 -video bgfx -bgfx_backend d3d9

Also, see attachment pacman.zip for a simplified layout test that will result in a black screen.
mame64.exe pacman -video bgfx -bgfx_backend d3d9

It also happens with neogeo cropped/stretched view.
I hoped to be able to fix it by removing the multiply blending, but it still did not work. See mslug.zip attachment for my try, where cropped screen does work, but stretched screen still gives a black screen.
In other words, it is not caused only by multiply-blend.
添付ファイルzip filepacman.zip (2020-03-08 03:18)
zip filemslug.zip (2020-03-08 03:39)