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クラッシュ/フリーズ重要 (本体)解決済み修正済み2019-12-21 17:322020-07-02 14:47
概 要HxC .HFEイメージをフォーマットしようとするとMAMEが終了する。
詳 細When creating a new HxC .hfe image and then formatting it MAME will exit without any error at times or other times will exit with a error message that double stepping not supported.
再現手順.\mame64.exe coco3h -flop1 63emu.dsk -harddisk1 63sdc.vhd

at basic prompt and hit ENTER

After NitrOS-9 L2 loads press SCROLL LOCK and go into file menu and go to floppydisk 2 and create a new image and select a name like: test.hfe
then choose SD HxC emulator .hfe format
Exit MAME menu and return to the emulated system

at NitrOS-9 L2 prompt type:
format20 /d1 R "Tester"
and then hit ENTER

After the format finishes MAME exits without error or exits with a error message with double stepping not supported.
追加情報Floppy drive types that have been known to be used on the real Tandy Color Computer 3 is as follows:
5.25" Double sided Double Density
5.25" Double Sided Quad Density
3.5" Double Sided Double Density
3.5" High Density with 26-3022 or 26-3029 floppy controllers with HD mod to enable 8" mode.
(mod information can be found here for the 26-3029: http://www.doki-doki.net/~lamune/computers/coco/hd-floppy/ )