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既知事項/未実装解決済み修正済み2019-04-29 10:582021-09-02 12:55
修正コミット c6c0f2fプルリク
セット trs80m4
trs80m4 - TRS-80 Model 4
概 要Model IIIのディスクは動作するがModel IVは動かない。
詳 細The TRS-80 Model III is actually working pretty well and is booting most DOS's in IMD format and seems to support double density disks.
The TRS-80 Model IV boots the same disks as the model III, but I can't get it to load any model IV OS in any format, only Model III disks.

This is apparently a known problem, as it is documented in the source code, but there is not bug open for it here that I could find.
再現手順Attempt to boot a TRS-80 Model IV OS disk in any format on the TRS-80 Model IV emulation.