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その他解決済み修正済み2019-02-20 10:082022-12-01 02:44
修正コミット da98221プルリク #10617
セット thrilld and clones
thrilld - スリルドライブ (UDE)
概 要LANボードテストがBADになる。
詳 細The LAN board test on the game test startup screen will mark as bad if you perform a system test boot via dipswitch. Racing Jam and its clone's LAN board test will mark ok.
再現手順Boot the game with the dip switch "Test Mode" enabled.
追加情報I would check this issue with the video mode set to anything other than d3d because of a crashing issue (I have it set to bgfx). Never tested in previous versions with the game marked as working.
添付ファイルpng file0000.png (2019-02-20 10:08)