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BugID: #07234

カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
インターフェイス仮承認未処理2019-02-13 20:582019-02-13 23:29
テスターillando担当者 ソース
セット UI
概 要内部UIの右コラムについて。
詳 細What you think about the idea of adding an option under "Customize UI" to choose what categories of images would appear in the right column under the tab "images"?
I think most of the people have filled only 1 or 2 images folders, so at the end what you see in that column on the right is just a lot of "No image available" icon. For example I'm using only: Snapshots, Flyers, Titles, Logos and Marquee. I would like to be able to hide the others.
I know there are a lot of launchers, but most of them are Windows only. In my opinion MAME internal UI is great (also because it's universal) but with some small enhancement like this one could became better.