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グラフィック仮承認未処理2019-01-25 14:132020-06-19 04:17
テスターICEknight担当者 ソースmsx/msx.cpp
セット mpc100 and other PAL machines in msx.cpp
mpc100 - MPC-100 (MSX1, UK版)
概 要PALの画面比率がおかしい。
詳 細Found some footage captured from a PAL Sanyo MPC-100 MSX machine which shows a different aspect ratio to what the emulated PAL MSX 1 and MSX 2 machines display in MAME:

Tested with mpc100 (PAL MSX 1), svi738sp (PAL MSX 1) and mlg3 (PAL MSX2).
再現手順This doesn't really require a specific game for testing, but in case that you want to test the one in the video:

-Cassette: Load "phantis" from the software list, set it to "cass 2 (side B)" from the File Manager and type run"cas:
-Disk: Load "phantis" from the software list, type run"phantis2.bas

Enter the 18757 password and press E in the menu to start the game
追加情報May be related to issues #5622 and #5623.
There's other videos in that channel using other games and MSX models, such as this one (Philips NMS 8250 MSX2):
添付ファイルpng filephantis original.png (2019-01-25 14:13)
png filephantis mame msx 1.png (2019-01-25 14:14)
png filephantis mame msx2.png (2019-01-25 14:14)