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ドキュメント解決済み修正済み2018-09-22 02:182020-08-21 05:10
セット tacscan
tacscan - タックスキャン
概 要サウンドボードエミュレーションについての考察。
詳 細The source code is segasnd.c. I have an idea why the driver is still marked imperfectly.

In Tac-Scan after all these years I've figured out that the ship roar being too loud is most likely the reason the enemy ship explosions and sounds are being drowned out. On older versions of MAME you could press the "~" key and control the specific voices of each sound chip. For example AY-3-8910 voice generator you can control channels A, B, and C. (just an example Sega G80 doesn't use this)

I do not think this feature works anymore unless I have missed something. If the emulator has independent volume control of all the voices/channels in the OSD I believe the sound channel drowning out problem could be fixed. It might not even be a problem with the game driver at all other than all channels are mixing all the sound board sounds at full volume where that is not the case on a real machine. In 1999 I made samples for Tac- Scan before the Sega G80 Universal sound board was actually emulated, there are still notes in there about that.

If you watch TNT Amusements youtube video you will hear what I am talking about.