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クラッシュ/フリーズ重要 (ゲーム)解決済み修正済み2018-06-06 08:482019-01-01 17:04
テスターD Go Go Fan担当者Ryan Holtzソースmisc/vamphalf.cpp
セット worldadv, luplup, poosho (possibly more)
worldadv - World Adventure
概 要ランダムにフリーズする。
詳 細I am using Wolf MAME 198. World Adventure randomly freezes. It happens so often that it is impossible to beat the first world. The freezes only affect the game, MAME can still be paused, and the menus entered. The freezes seem to happen more often the further into the game you go; it hasn't frozen in the first 5 levels. I played Poosho Poosho to stage 11, and it didn't freeze; this appears to only affect World Adventure. This should be demoted to "not working" if it can't be fixed soon, as it makes the game impossible to beat.
再現手順Just try to beat the first world (France), and it will freeze after a few stages.
追加情報Wolf MAME 198 state save attached, you can't beat the level before it freezes.
添付ファイルzip fileworldadv.zip (2018-06-06 08:48)
zip fileworldadv1.zip (2018-06-07 04:31)