カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
認証済み未処理2017-10-15 00:352024-11-14 17:20
テスターrcoltrane担当者 ソースmsx/msx.cpp
セット expert11
expert11 - Expert XP-800 (1.1) / Expert GPC-1 (MSX1, ブラジル版)
概 要H.E.R.O. (Japan).romが動作しない。
詳 細Sorry, I've to reopen this as I cannot comment in a closed report anymore and you guys didn't test it correctly (my fault, I should have given more details). So I will give more details about it here.

I'm playing it sice ever and I had no trouble at all playing it in previous mame versions, always using the expert11 driver and the cartridge rom named h.e.r.o. (Japan).rom officialy supported by the software list.

Try to start the JAPAN ROM cart version using the expert11 driver and you will see that it stays at the expert11 intro screen and nothing else happens. I tried to mount in in MAME and reboot and it still does not work, in fact, it crashes MAME (try it aswell). I tried running it from command line as pointed by someone in the closed report but it gives the same results (the game has to start automatically, but it does not anymore) and I also tried to erase my .cfg and .ini files and this one still does not work. Even with a clean mame 0.190 install it does not work anymore.

Yie-ar Kung-Fu II is working fine, just H.E.R.O. started having this issue, I don't know why. That's why I reopened the report. I need a better explanation on why the rom cartridge is not working anymore because the same thing happened before, a looooong time ago, and it had something related to the cart size or something, but after some time it was fixed and the game/system have been working fine since then... until now :P
再現手順Get the h.e.r.o. (japan).rom file somewhere and run it in mame 0.190 expert11 driver using a Frontend ou through command line.
追加情報It was working before and stopped working in current MAME version. So I presume someone has changed something in the code for some reason because my files are the same.