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グラフィック認証済み未処理2017-06-06 23:592017-06-16 11:10
テスターdaneman担当者 ソースmsx/msx.cpp
セット nms8255, nms8250, expert20
expert20 - Expert 2.0 (MSX2, ブラジル版)
nms8250 - NMS-8250 (MSX2, Euro版)
nms8255 - NMS-8255 (MSX2, Euro版)
概 要画面表示領域がおかしい。
詳 細Hello,

MSX 2/2+ screen is not covering entire display as it can. The upper and lower borders of the screen are wrong and consuming too much display area. I'm comparing with other emulators which can fully emulate MSX2/MSX2+ screen accordingly. Sretching options on Mame only stretchs left and right borders.

Tried with MSX 2 nms8250, nms8255 and expert20.

If you compare MSX 1 emulation (any system) on MAME you can see a proper use of display and borders.

Attached zip file with MSX1 print running on mame accordingly and MSX2 print with excessive border usage, for comparison.
再現手順Run MSX2/MSX2+ emulation
添付ファイルzip filemsx_screens.zip (2017-06-06 23:59)