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BugID: #06581

カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
インターフェイス解決済み修正済み2017-05-13 23:102017-06-26 09:58
セット Various problems with software loading/unloading
概 要ソフトウェアロードに伴ういろいろな問題。
詳 細These problems existed at the release of 0.185

INI files are set to writeconfig 1 (which means each system gets its own INI file).

Fixed PR#2341 (yet to be applied)
1. Start with software loaded. Unload it. Do a hard reset. The software reloads itself - this is wrong.
2. The option -cart "" is supposed to unload the cart, but it does nothing. The cart stays loaded.
3. (tested with Sorcerer). Unable to unload a cart. It lets you empty the slot, but after exit you start it again and the cart has come back by itself.

Fixed MAME 0.186
4. (tested with Super6). This one has writeconfig of 0. Start with >mame super6 cpm22. It starts up as expected. The driver doesn't work yet, so the disk doesn't boot, so far so good. Now do a hard reset (Shift F3), and this happens:
"super6:cpm22:flop" approximately matches the following
supported software items (best match first):

* Software list "super6" (ADC Super Six diskettes) matches:
cpm22 CP/M 2.2
cpm22 CP/M 2.2
cpm22 CP/M 2.2
cpm22 CP/M 2.2
cpm22 CP/M 2.2
digi56 digi56
tdos122p TurboDOS v1.22p
tdos122p TurboDOS v1.22p
tdos122p TurboDOS v1.22p
tdos122p TurboDOS v1.22p
tdos122p TurboDOS v1.22p
tdos14 TurboDOS v1.4
tdos14 TurboDOS v1.4
tdos14 TurboDOS v1.4
tdos14 TurboDOS v1.4
tdos14 TurboDOS v1.4

Fatal error: Device 5.25" quad density floppy drive load () failed: File not found

The floppy gets ejected and the emulation fatal-errors.

I'll add more bugs as I find them.