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DIP/入力解決済み修正済み2008-02-01 14:352012-05-27 10:57
テスター-Misc Reporters-担当者hapソースtaito/topspeed.cpp
セット topspeed
topspeed - フルスロットル / Top Speed (海外版)
概 要アナログ入力モードで、左に曲がることができない。
詳 細(After setting the dipswitch to analog input) turning right was no problem, but turning left rarely worked, with keyboard, mouse or analog stick. It was very apperent in test mode that the right direction moves a lot slower than the left, and you can go far below 0xff7f (eg: 0xefac & 0x6e45), which mame is supposed to clamp against.
I think the problem happens when the minimum is greater than the maximum when looked at unsigned. A hack that "fixed" the problem with topspeed was to set the minimum to 0x81. My guess without any other testing: change from INT32 to double vars.
Of course, this might be fixed along with the rest of the input system.
追加情報Posted by uRebelScum