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グラフィック解決済み実機のバグ2017-01-29 01:402019-01-11 15:47
テスターStHiryu担当者 ソースcapcom/cps1.cpp
セット mtwins
mtwins - チキチキボーイズ / Mega Twins (海外版 9000619)
概 要エンディングで画面がちらつく。
詳 細All the game runs fine, but at the ending secuence when the staff credits appears, the screen starts to flicker. Seems to be a regression since at mame 0.134 there is no flickering.
再現手順You have to finish the game and wait for the ending credits secuence.
追加情報Provide some videos with the issue (Sorry this time I can't provide a save state):
(At 48:45)
(At 40:45)

This is a video from mame 0.134 with no issue:
(At 35:38)
添付ファイルzip filemtwins.zip (2017-01-29 20:46)