[ オリジナルレポート ]

BugID: #06328

カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
クラッシュ/フリーズ重要 (本体)解決済み修正済み2016-07-28 10:522016-07-29 00:52
セット Various ISA using machines
概 要初期化時にクラッシュ・例外発生。
詳 細

Exception at EIP=0000000003beb5f8 (__dynamic_cast+0x0008): ACCESS VIOLATION
While attempting to read memory at 0000000000000000
Stack crawl:
0000000000228770: 0000000003beb5f8 (__dynamic_cast+0x0008)
0000000000228830: 00000000019bc105 (isa8_slot_device::device_start()+0x02a5)
0000000000228940: 0000000002ac8643 (device_t::start()+0x04c3)
00000000002289b0: 0000000002b44f87 (running_machine::start_all_devices()+0x0077)
0000000000228a90: 0000000002b4a143 (running_machine::start()+0x09b3)
0000000000228b10: 0000000002b4a53e (running_machine::run(bool)+0x010e)
000000000022f450: 00000000017df41f (mame_machine_manager::execute()+0x015f)
000000000022f8d0: 000000000183b384 (cli_frontend::execute(int, char**)+0x0e04)
000000000022f940: 00000000017de4c5 (emulator_info::start_frontend(emu_options&, osd_interface&, int, char**)+0x0035)
000000000022fd80: 00000000017409bb (utf8_main(int, char**)+0x012b)
000000000022fe50: 0000000002f6453c (wmain+0x018c)
000000000022ff20: 000000000040140c (__tmainCRTStartup+0x025c)
000000000022ff50: 000000000040153b (mainCRTStartup+0x001b)
000000000022ff80: 00000000774559bd (BaseThreadInitThunk+0x000d)
000000000022ffd0: 000000007768a2e1 (RtlUserThreadStart+0x0021)
再現手順mame ibm5150

The following sets - drivers saw this behavior:
ec1840 - ec184x.cpp
ec1841 - ec184x.cpp
ec1845 - ec184x.cpp
ec1847 - ec184x.cpp
ibm5140 - ibmpc.cpp
ibm5150 - ibmpc.cpp
ibm5155 - ibmpc.cpp
ibm5160 - ibmpc.cpp
iskr1030m - iskr103x.cpp
iskr1031 - iskr103x.cpp
m24 - m24.cpp
m240 - m24.cpp
pc - genpc.cpp
pc1512 - pc1512.cpp
pc1512dd - pc1512.cpp
pc1512hd10 - pc1512.cpp
pc1512hd20 - pc1512.cpp
pc1640 - pc1512.cpp
pc1640dd - pc1512.cpp
pc1640hd20 - pc1512.cpp
pc1640hd30 - pc1512.cpp
pc20 - amstr_pc.cpp
pc200 - amstr_pc.cpp
pc2086 - amstr_pc.cpp
pc3086 - amstr_pc.cpp
pcega - genpc.cpp
pcherc - genpc.cpp
pcmda - genpc.cpp
poisk1 - poisk1.cpp
pt68k2 - pt68k4.cpp
pt68k4 - pt68k4.cpp
sicpc1605 - pc.cpp
t1000hx - tandy1t.cpp
t1000sl2 - tandy1t.cpp
t1000sx - tandy1t.cpp
t1000tl2 - tandy1t.cpp
t1000tx - tandy1t.cpp
xtvga - genpc.cpp
追加情報This only manifests itself with the newest toolchain (6.1.0)