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ゲームプレイ認証済み未処理2015-12-06 11:142015-12-09 03:42
テスターeinstein95担当者 ソースmsx/msx.cpp
セット fsa1fm and others
概 要拡張メモリモードでRAMを空にできない。
詳 細As the documentation on what this mode is called is sparse, I will further refer to it as an "expanded memory mode". The game Final Fantasy requires more free memory and an error screen will appear if this is not so. The error screen says to hold Ctrl while booting the machine and in this mode boots and runs fine. From the "MSX2 Technical Handbook":
"On MSX, even when disks are mounted, they can be cut off by resetting while pressing the SHIFT key. When only one drive is mounted, the normal invocation causes the work area for two drives to be allocated (mainly for 2 drive simulator): in such a case, invoking the works area for only one drive is possible by resetting while pressing the CTRL key. If these steps are taken, more user's area can be allocated."

While this works on some MSX2 systems that are defined in msx.cpp as DISK1, DISK2, DISK5 or DISK6 (using the WD2793, MB8877A or Microsol floppy controllers), it does not work on systems defined as DISK3 or DISK4.

The only systems defined as DISK4 are Turbo-R machines and are marked as "not working".
再現手順Launch any of the DISK3 systems, such as fsa1fm with ffant in the floppy drive and hold Ctrl during boot. A screen will appear with the text "Say DOS Version 1.A0 for MSX series" and "OK!". In the error log, msx_slot_disk3_device will attempt to do a lot of unmapped write writing.

In DISK1, DISK2, DISK5 or DISK6 systems, such as fs5000, the game boots normally with Ctrl held during boot.
追加情報I'm not sure if this is an error in msx.cpp or if it's simply due to the programmer of the disk ROM failing to take this mode into account.

Some related sets to test:
ax370, kmc5000, fsa1f, expertdx, fsa1fx, fsa1wsx, fsa1wx, fsa1wxa, phc70fd, phc70fd2