カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
認証済み未処理2015-10-16 05:162015-10-20 05:15
テスターdemotester担当者 ソースmsx/msx.cpp
セット svi738, vg8235, fsa1wx, fsa1wsx
概 要 "io by Logon System"デモが動作しない。
詳 細io by Logon System -> http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=65232

There are some problems with the demo if tested in MESS MSX drivers!

svi738 (MSX1) Spectravideo -> if SD FD is set it crashes the emu!? ... it boots/runs the disk if DD FD! (Note: SD FD is set by default)

vg8235 (MSX2) Philips -> if SD FD is set it crashes the emu!? ... it boots/runs the disk if DD FD! (Note: SD FD is set by default)

fsa1wx (MSX2+) Panasonic -> it does not boot the disk!? (Note: DD FD is set by default)
fsa1wsx(MSX2+) Panasonic -> it does not boot the disk!? (Note: DD FD is set by default)
再現手順Compare with yt-videos...


追加情報According to the demo nfo.txt file (inside of io.zip) ... partly quoted:

The demo has been sucessfully tested on:
- Philips VG8235 (MSX2) (my own computer)
- Panasonic A1WX (MSX2+)
- Panasonic A1WSX (MSX2+)

According to pouet link (http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=65232) ... partly quoted:

Works on SVi-728! :) Great. (added on the 2015-03-16 20:44:19 by yzi)

Also, it was Impossible to test the demo in some of MESS MSX1 drivers as it does not support the floppy drive (or the according driver does not exist)!

According to the demo nfo.txt ... partly quoted:

The demo has been sucessfully tested on:
- Canon V20 (MSX1)
- Philips VG8020 (MSX1)
- Yeno MX-64 (MSX1)
- Yashica YC-64 (MSX1)
- Sony HB501F (MSX1)