カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
グラフィック解決済み修正済み2015-04-13 06:382021-12-02 08:41
修正コミット 22fd521プルリク
セット thoop
thoop - Thunder Hoop (ver. 1, checksum 02a09f7d)
概 要背景とスプライトのプライオリティがおかしい。
詳 細I seem to recall a few points in which the background objects should cover the sprites. See the attached file section for details.
再現手順Reach the parts listed below.

Level 1:
1) roughly 1/3 of the level - the lake of acid with the rising/lowering platforms;
2) roughly halfway the level - the part with the dashing red demons on the grate;
3) the end of level boss, upon entering its room;
4) after defeating the boss, when the character jumps in the sewers;
5) the screen after level complete.

Level 4:
6) roughly 3/4 of the level - the part with the trees in foreground and the monsters that rise from the terrain.
追加情報Marked as possible, since I found no PCB videos on the internet, and it's been 20+ years since I last played a thoop machine.
EDIT: finally found a PCB video; removed the Possible flag (still not sure about point #6, but all the others are confirmed).

添付ファイルpng file0000.png (2015-04-13 06:38)
png file0001.png (2015-04-13 06:39)
png file0002.png (2015-04-13 06:40)
png file0003.png (2015-04-13 06:41)
png file0004.png (2015-04-13 06:42)
png file0005.png (2015-04-13 06:43)