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クラッシュ/フリーズ解決済み修正済み2014-11-02 05:572014-11-03 09:22
テスターJustin Kerk担当者crazycソースpc/calchase.cpp
セット calchase
calchase - California Chase
概 要ゲーム起動時にページフォールトが起こる。
詳 細GAME_NOT_WORKING, but I'd call this a heavy regression. The game used to boot to attract mode, coin up, and enter gameplay, but now it just shows a "Run time Protected Mode termination" and "Page fault" error message.
再現手順1. mame calchase
2. When the BIOS screen asks you to press F1 to continue, press "s" (mapped to F1 in the controls)
3. Wait for the Windows logo to go away and the DOS prompt to appear
4. Slowly type "boot" and press Enter
追加情報In 0.148, the game boots into attract mode and you can coin up and enter the game. (See e.g. Kale's WIP at http://mamedev.emulab.it/kale/?p=1652 )
In 0.149 and 0.150, it still boots and runs but the graphics mode is garbled.
In 0.151 and 0.155, it shows a page fault error and dumps you back to the DOS prompt. (386 issue?)
添付ファイルpng filecalchase_0148.png (2014-11-02 05:57)
png filecalchase_0149.png (2014-11-02 05:57)
png filecalchase_0151.png (2014-11-02 05:58)