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グラフィック仮承認未処理2014-07-10 18:582015-08-03 16:23
テスターDr.Venom担当者 ソースmsx/msx.cpp
セット msx2
概 要Render Resolutionをautoに設定するとAstro Starのデモが固まる。
詳 細When the dipswitch "Render Resolution" is set to "auto" the Astro Star demo will hang upon loading the main demo part.
再現手順Set MESS Render Resolution dipswitch to "Auto"
Start the Astro Star demo
The demo will hang after completing the intro picture, i.e. upon starting the main demo part.
追加情報The demo hangs between intro picture and main demo part, which is also where the Auto resolution switch tries to switch between 272x240 intro picture screen and a (linedoubled) 544x480 screen. As such this issue seems part of the whole resolution, borders and refresh rate problems in the MSX driver, for which separate bug reports have been filed earlier.

Demo can be downloaded here:

The screen where it hangs only shows the first character of the screen it's supposed to show, see attached pic.

Correct picture is shown here: http://www.passionmsx.org/modules/mydownloads/images/shots/astrost.png

When setting the Render Resolution dipswitch to "High" instead of "Auto" the problem is circumvented.
添付ファイルpng file0001.png (2014-07-10 18:58)