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クラッシュ/フリーズ重要 (ゲーム)解決済み修正済み2013-08-09 06:532013-10-04 08:21
セット tenkomor, tenkomorja
tenkomor - てんこもりシューティング (海外版, TKM2/VER.A1)
tenkomorja - てんこもりシューティング (日本版, TKM1/VER.A1)
概 要"collect X medals"のミニゲームでクラッシュする。
詳 細Whenever the "collect X medals" minigame starts, immediately after the instruction screen, the game locks up and displays the screen attached.
The music continues to loop endlessly, and all controls are unresponsive except for Reset.
再現手順Start a new game (any difficulty) and select the minigame one square to the right of the center.
Alternatively, wait for that minigame to come up as one of the available choices later in the game, and select it.
追加情報Tested using 0.149u1 build downloaded from Haze.
Worked fine in 0.148, haven't tested any versions in between so I'm not sure when the regression occurred.
添付ファイルpng file0000.png (2013-08-09 06:53)