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BugID: #04702

カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
インターフェイス解決済み修正済み2012-02-22 13:122012-03-07 06:32
セット UI Menus
概 要メニューから一段戻るところが、ゲームに戻る動作をする。
詳 細Two issues here.

1. Mini UI bottom menu option should be "Exit" but starts as "Return to Game" until something in the menu has to be redrawn. Typing a space will change the option to "Exit" but hitting Esc will return it to "Return to Game". Typing a Backspace after the space (to load a new set of random choices) will leave the option on "Exit".

2. This also occurs while in-game in the Tab menu; it will initially show "Return to Game" (though in this case, it's correct) but entering a submenu will cause it to remain showing "Return to Game". It will change to "Return to Prior Menu" when. say. in the Dip Switches submenu, you change a dipswitch.
再現手順In description.
追加情報I don't know if this is SDLMAME specific. It's been present since at least 0.145 but I didn't think to report it until now.