カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
速度解決済み修正済み2012-02-08 04:502018-08-25 23:30
セット tgm2, tgm2p
tgm2 - テトリスT.A. -グランドマスター2-
tgm2p - テトリスT.A. -グランドマスター2プラス-
概 要フレームレート・リフレッシュレートが間違っている。
詳 細I have a VGA capture card that syncs down to 15KHz, and capturing from it the following video mode is reported:
HSYNC 16.165KHz
VSYNC 61.700Hz

That is a 2.75% slowdown when playing at MAME's 60.000Hz. Proof is an out of range message from my flat panel monitor showing a squished picture. Note the monitor says 61.6, but since the capture card provides 3-digit decimal precision whereas the monitor only provides single-digit precision, I am siding with the capture card as to the correct video mode.
追加情報This might apply to all PS5V2 games, and quite possibly all Psikyo SH-2 games, but I only have TGM2p to test with.
添付ファイルJPG file04072011055.JPG (2012-02-08 04:50)