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グラフィック解決済み修正済み2011-05-12 20:492016-11-09 19:44
セット svolley, svolleyk, svolleyu
svolley - スーパーバレーボール (日本版)
svolleyk - スーパーバレーボール (韓国版)
svolleyu - スーパーバレーボール (US版, Data East license)
概 要ボールの着地点を示す矢印や、紙吹雪が表示されない。レイヤーが一つ欠けているか?
詳 細When receiving the ball, an arrow indicates where the ball is going to hit the ground, it greatly simplifies the gameplay. Bug report n°01109 says the arrow is visible during the first tournament, i can say it's no longer the case.

The arrow never appears during any game on any set of the game. Its absence greatly compromises the gameplay and makes it almost unplayable. This bug has been confirmed as I do have the original PCB (US set) to compare. The arrows are always present up to the last game while they never appear in the current emulated game.

A graphic layer must be missing. Another indication of this is that another graphic element is missing from the game. When a player makes a winning point, the team starts to cheer and confettis seems to fly around them. You can see it in the attached video. This layer of confettis is also missing from the emulated game.
添付ファイルJPG filesvolleyu-arrow.JPG (2011-05-15 22:34)
jpg filesvolleyu.jpg (2016-11-09 19:44)