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グラフィック解決済み修正済み2010-01-16 11:362010-01-17 20:54
テスターcolour_thief担当者 ソースpsikyo/psikyosh.cpp
セット tgm2, tgm2p
tgm2 - テトリスT.A. -グランドマスター2-
tgm2p - テトリスT.A. -グランドマスター2プラス-
概 要起動時の警告画面は黒ではなく本来は青になる。
詳 細When the game boots up there is a sequence of screens:
1. rom check
2. warning screen
3. screen geometry
4. copyrights

This problem is specific to the warning screen. The background is solid black and it should be solid blue. Attached is a picture showing a hardware video capture (left) and MAME (right).

Framestepping a video capture of the pcb booting up, I can say that the background actually first turns blue for the last 2 frames during which the rom check text is displayed.
再現手順Boot the game and wait briefly.
追加情報This may affect some boot screens in other games in this driver but I don't have those PCBs to compare with.
添付ファイルpng filewarning.png (2010-01-16 11:36)