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クラッシュ/フリーズ重要 (本体)認証済み未処理2009-05-24 09:552015-06-25 18:18
テスターKin担当者 ソースnamco/namcos12.cpp
セット tekken3
tekken3 - 鉄拳3 (海外版, TET2/VER.E1)
概 要エンディングで勝利シーンを再生しているとフリーズする。タスクマネージャから終了させる必要がある。
詳 細After you finish the game, the games gives you a "congratulations" screen with your time and then it fades to white. The game freezes here, with the last sound made being repeated over and over. Here the game is supposed to replay the finishing K.O.'s against every opponent you fought. If you wait sometimes you may be able to watch the first replay, then it freezes again and this time is for good. You have to kill mame with Windows Task Manager to exit the game.

EDIT by Kale (25-jun-2015): it actually drops to 0% of emulation speed for a few seconds, probably due of some overkill GFX/DMA thread. Resumes correctly if you wait a little.
再現手順Pick any character and finish the game.
追加情報Tested in a C2D E8400 without overclocking, runs at 100% 60 fps with triple buffering, so speed is not an issue here.
添付ファイルrar fileTekken3.rar (2009-05-25 04:00)