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その他解決済み修正済み2009-05-20 19:062010-08-23 00:58
テスターTafoid担当者Phil Bennettソースuniversal/docastle.cpp
セット All sets in docastle.c and mrdo.c
docastle - ミスターDo! V.S ユニコーン / Mr. Do's Castle (set 1)
dorunrun - スーパーピエロ / Do! Run Run (set 1)
dowild - ミスターDo's ワイルドライド
idsoccer - インドアサッカー (set 1)
jjack - ジャンピングジャック
kickridr - キックライダー
mrdo - ミスターDo!
概 要サービスモードに入ろうとするとエラーやフリーズ、動作不具合などが起こる。
詳 細Historically, you could enter service mode by hitting button 1 (left control) + F3. This would bring up RAM+ROM testing as well an Input Test screen and more.
Right now, you cannot access it by established means. You can test it last in version 0.111 of MAME - 0.112 no longer works.
再現手順Start MAME, use Left Control (button 1) + F3 to initiate Tests on any sets in these drivers.
追加情報Built some u releases and tested regression on this - it's 0.111u5

idsoccer - still works.. but gives a CPU-2 RAM ERROR.
kickridr, dorunrun, dowild - give a "BAD COMMUNICATION !!" message before entering the service mode.
jjack - hangs.
dorunrun - give a "BAD COMMUNICATION !!" message and hangs. If you repeat the Left Control+F3 combo after the hang, it attempts it again and usually succeeds.