カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
クラッシュ/フリーズ重要 (本体)解決済み修正済み2008-12-29 02:592008-12-30 10:27
バージョン0.128u7発生バージョン> 0.125u8修正バージョン0.129
セット swa
swa - スターウォーズ(US版)
概 要-debug使用でAccess Violationバグが起こる。
詳 細Crashes when you hit F5 to run the game in the debugger.

Exception at EIP=00C5B22A (debug_read_opcode+0x040c): ACCESS VIOLATION
While attempting to read memory at 11AB2000
EAX=11AB2000 EBX=00000014 ECX=119B1FFC EDX=00000000
ESI=00000001 EDI=00000000 EBP=0022F9F8 ESP=0022F980

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00bbac15 in debug_read_opcode (space=0x156a1750, address=1048580, size=1,
    arg=0) at src/emu/debug/debugcpu.c:1744
1744                    case 1: return *(UINT8 *) ptr;
(gdb) bt full
#0  0x00bbac15 in debug_read_opcode (space=0x156a1750, address=1048580,
    size=1, arg=0) at src/emu/debug/debugcpu.c:1744
        info = (cpu_debug_data *) 0x24aa1a70
        lowbits_mask = 1
        ptr = (const void *) 0x12472000
#1  0x00bc8749 in disasm_view_recompute (view=0x2da31fa4, pc=1048560,
    startline=0, lines=1000) at src/emu/debug/debugvw.c:1901
        opbuf = "??\000 \017\000?????????? »????", ' ' <repeats 30 times>, "[A\0
\000 \017"
        argbuf = "??\000 \017\000?????????? »?????\000??\"\000\004", '\0' <repea
ts 11 times>, "?}?w\000\000\000\000\000\000", ' ' <repeats 14 times>
        destbuf = 0x2db03627 " 0FFFF0  "
        buffer = "clrtlb  !ERRAM1\0009[3931[R0]]\000 \000M}?Y?s?Y?s\004·\"\000?W
\000\000?°\"\000    \b·\"\000tl?w0)?w    ?P?wH1?w    ±I$\001FF001C00?\2151\002"
        oldbuf = "?\037?
        instr = 75
        pcbyte = 1048560
        physpcbyte = 1048560
        numbytes = 20
        dasmdata = (debug_view_disasm *) 0x2da61fa8
        space = (const address_space *) 0x156a1750
        minbytes = 1
        maxbytes = 22
        maxbytes_clamped = 16
        changed = 0
        line = 75
#2  0x00bc8c96 in disasm_view_update (view=0x2da31fa4)
    at src/emu/debug/debugvw.c:2051
        backpc = 1048314
        dasmdata = (debug_view_disasm *) 0x2da61fa8
        space = (const address_space *) 0x156a1750
        dest = (debug_view_char *) 0x2dad1fac
        recomputed_this_time = 0
        pc = 1048320
        pcbyte = 1048320
        exprerr = 0
        row = 1000
#3  0x00bc5d7d in debug_view_end_update (view=0x2da31fa4)
    at src/emu/debug/debugvw.c:507
        size = 2090
#4  0x00bc5e43 in debug_view_update_all (machine=0xad41efc)
    at src/emu/debug/debugvw.c:561
        global = (debugvw_private *) 0x25dd1ff0
        view = (debug_view *) 0x2da31fa4
#5  0x00bb829f in debug_cpu_start_hook (device=0xad91f7c, endtime=
      {seconds = 0, attoseconds = 1640000000000000})
    at src/emu/debug/debugcpu.c:392
        global = (debugcpu_private *) 0x24881f70
        info = (cpu_debug_data *) 0x24aa1a70
#6  0x009d9e42 in debugger_start_cpu_hook (device=0xad91f7c, endtime=
      {seconds = 0, attoseconds = 1640000000000000}) at src/emu/debugger.h:80
No locals.
#7  0x009d95ec in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xad41efc)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:279
        delta = {seconds = 0, attoseconds = 1639500000000000}
        classdata = (cpu_class_data *) 0x161d17a8
        call_debugger = 1
        global = (cpuexec_private *) 0x16051efc
        target = {seconds = 0, attoseconds = 1640000000000000}
        base = {seconds = 0, attoseconds = 500000000000}
        cpu = (const device_config *) 0xad91f7c
        ran = 20
#8  0x009c765d in mame_execute (options=0x8051e58) at src/emu/mame.c:360
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = (const game_driver *) 0x1cbdcd0
        machine = (running_machine *) 0xad41efc
        mame = (mame_private *) 0xad51f68
        cb = (callback_item *) 0x8051e58
        gamename = (astring *) 0xad41f00
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#9  0x00bdb66c in cli_execute (argc=6, argv=0x7fb1fe8, osd_options=0x21ae990)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:171
        options = (core_options *) 0x8051e58
        gamename = (astring *) 0x8031f00
        exename = (astring *) 0x8041f00
        gamename_option = 0x8081f08 "swa"
        driver = (const game_driver *) 0x1cbdcd0
        result = -1
#10 0x009618b8 in utf8_main (argc=6, argv=0x7fb1fe8)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:257
        ext = 0x28e86b8 ".map"
#11 0x0123f599 in main (argc=6, a_argv=0x64527f0) at src/osd/windows/main.c:72
        i = 6
        rc = 2293624
        utf8_argv = (char **) 0x7fb1fe8
        argv = (TCHAR **) 0x6452860
        wenviron = (WCHAR **) 0x6455080
        startupinfo = -1