カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
クラッシュ/フリーズ重要 (本体)解決済み修正済み2008-12-25 03:272008-12-25 06:41
テスターFirewave担当者Phil Bennettソースexidy/vertigo.cpp
セット topgunnr
topgunnr - Top Gunner (Exidy)
概 要ハングする。
詳 細
[Switching to thread 2388.0x640]
Quit (expect signal SIGINT when the program is resumed)
(gdb) bt full
#0  0x00000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
(gdb) info threads
* 8 thread 2388.0x640  0x00000000 in ?? ()
  7 thread 2388.0x368  0x7d61c828 in ?? ()
  6 thread 2388.0xa0c  0x7d61d051 in ?? ()
  5 thread 2388.0x1ac  0x7d61d051 in ?? ()
  4 thread 2388.0x344  0x7d61d051 in ?? ()
  3 thread 2388.0x7f8  0x7d61d051 in ?? ()
  2 thread 2388.0x760  0x7d61d051 in ?? ()
  1 thread 2388.0xb48  0x00518431 in vertigo_vproc (cycles=-2067595787,
    irq4=0) at src/mame/video/vertigo.c:486
warning: Couldn't restore frame in current thread, at frame 0
0x00000000 in ?? ()
(gdb) thread 1
[Switching to thread 1 (thread 2388.0xb48)]#0  0x00518431 in vertigo_vproc (
    cycles=-2067595787, irq4=0) at src/mame/video/vertigo.c:486
486                     cmc = &mc[vs.pc];
(gdb) bt full
#0  0x00518431 in vertigo_vproc (cycles=-2067595787, irq4=0)
    at src/mame/video/vertigo.c:486
        jcond = 0
        cmc = (microcode *) 0x234ca80
#1  0x00519f25 in v_irq4_w (device=0xad91fb1, state=0)
    at src/mame/machine/vertigo.c:99
No locals.
#2  0x00a1c0f4 in set_output (device=0xad91fb1, timer=0x13cf1ee0, output=0)
    at src/emu/machine/pit8253.c:224
No locals.
#3  0x00a1d930 in pit8253_w (device=0xad91fb1, offset=3, data=48 '0')
    at src/emu/machine/pit8253.c:892
        pit8253 = (pit8253_t *) 0x13cf1ed8
        timer = (struct pit8253_timer *) 0x13cf1ee0
        read_command = 2292520
#4  0x0050e0f9 in vertigo_pit8254_lsb_w (device=0xad91fb1, offset=3, data=48,
    mem_mask=255) at src/mame/drivers/vertigo.c:29
No locals.
#5  0x009b4de3 in write_word_generic (space=0x13571750, byteaddress=24583,
    data=48, mem_mask=255) at src/emu/memory.c:554
        handler = (const handler_data *) 0x135c1d80
        byteoffset = 7
        entry = 72
#6  0x009b6d88 in memory_write_byte_16be (space=0x13571750, address=24583,
    data=48 '0') at src/emu/memory.c:3981
        shift = 0
#7  0x01009297 in m68ki_write_8_fc (m68k=0x13cb15b0, address=24583, fc=5,
    value=48) at src/emu/cpu/m68000/m68kcpu.h:862
No locals.
#8  0x0103a8d1 in m68k_op_move_8_aw_i (m68k=0x13cb15b0)
    at obj/windows/mameu43d/emu/cpu/m68000/m68kops.c:17299
        res = 48
        ea = 24583
#9  0x00c29cb1 in cpu_execute_m68k (device=0xad81f7c, cycles=35107)
    at src/emu/cpu/m68000/m68kcpu.c:484
        m68k = (m68ki_cpu_core *) 0x13cb15b0
#10 0x009d9e71 in cpu_execute (device=0xad81f7c, cycles=35107)
    at src/emu/cpuintrf.h:557
        classheader = (cpu_class_header *) 0x13cb2fd8
#11 0x009d95a7 in cpuexec_timeslice (machine=0xad31efc)
    at src/emu/cpuexec.c:276
        delta = {seconds = 0, attoseconds = 4388388888888939}
        classdata = (cpu_class_data *) 0x13cb17a8
        call_debugger = 0
        global = (cpuexec_private *) 0x13b31efc
        target = {seconds = 0, attoseconds = 144388888888888939}
        base = {seconds = 0, attoseconds = 140000000000000000}
        cpu = (const device_config *) 0xad81f7c
        ran = 53332
#12 0x009c765d in mame_execute (options=0x8041e58) at src/emu/mame.c:360
        settingsloaded = 0
        driver = (const game_driver *) 0x15dd1a0
        machine = (running_machine *) 0xad31efc
        mame = (mame_private *) 0xad41f68
        cb = (callback_item *) 0x8041e58
        gamename = (astring *) 0xad31f00
        exit_pending = 0
        error = 0
        firstgame = 0
        firstrun = 0
#13 0x00bdb66c in cli_execute (argc=5, argv=0x7fb1fec, osd_options=0x21ae990)
    at src/emu/clifront.c:171
        options = (core_options *) 0x8041e58
        gamename = (astring *) 0x8021f00
        exename = (astring *) 0x8031f00
        gamename_option = 0x8071f08 "topgunnr"
        driver = (const game_driver *) 0x15dd1a0
        result = -1
#14 0x009618b8 in utf8_main (argc=5, argv=0x7fb1fec)
    at src/osd/windows/winmain.c:257
        ext = 0x28e86b8 ".map"
#15 0x0123f599 in main (argc=5, a_argv=0x64527f0) at src/osd/windows/main.c:72
        i = 5
        rc = 2293624
        utf8_argv = (char **) 0x7fb1fec
        argv = (TCHAR **) 0x6452860
        wenviron = (WCHAR **) 0x6455080
        startupinfo = -1