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実機資料解決済み実機のバグ2008-04-19 06:462008-04-20 03:18
テスターStefan Lindberg担当者 ソースcapcom/cps1.cpp
セット kod
kod - ザ・キング・オブ・ドラゴンズ (海外版 910805)
概 要ディストーションエフェクトが再現されていない。
詳 細About this comment reported into the MAME source:

Known Bug List
"King of Dragons (World).
* Distortion effect missing on character description screen during attract
mode. The game rapidly toggles on and off the layer enable bit.
I think this IS the correct behaviour. The Japanese version does the
distortion as expected."

Sfefan Lindberg has checked this strange behaviour on its original (World 910711) PCB and he says:

"The King of Dragons (World 910711) do not have the distortion effect and MAME is correct :-) Only the Japan and USA versions has the distortion effect."

Note that distorsion effect on this set is missing into player selection screen too.

Thanks to Stefan another cps1 doubt has been verified on real hardware and solved, so this comment on MAME source can be deleted :-)
追加情報(Posted by Layne as substitute.)
添付ファイルpng filekod.png (2008-04-19 06:47)