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BugID: #01691

カテゴリ 重要度 ステータス 解決状況 登録日時 最終更新
インターフェイス解決済み修正済み2008-04-10 02:332008-04-17 13:51
セット Various Sets
概 要ゲーム終了時にEIPエラーが起こる。
詳 細I am running vista 64bit sp1 (ultimate if it matters) and if I type say vmame64 pacman the game will load just fine and play but when I am done playing and press escape the cmd box throws up an eip=XXXXXXXXXXXXX(number changes everytime): ACCESS VIOLATION while attempting to read memory at XXXXXXXX. Usually it is 00000000 or FFFFFFFF but not always. It doesn't seem to affect the game itself really but makes me curious.

Also if I just type vmame64 and let it bring up the random list of games, chooose one, and then press enter it instantly closes and throws up that eip error.

One more thing. In the 64bit builds when I am trying to assign buttons it is very, very laggy and even freezes occasionaly.

I've tried mamepp and other 32 bit builds and they don't give that error or have any real problems that I've seen.
再現手順run any game from the command line and then exit. Alternatively just run vmame64 without a game specified and then try to play a game.
追加情報sorry if it isn't the right category and such and/or if I should have but the other stuff in seperate bug reports. I am not really sure about where to put it and about filing too many.