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BugID: #01609

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DIP/入力解決済み修正済み2008-03-24 21:502008-04-06 23:34
セット Various - tested srmp4 (ssv.c), ttmahjng (route16.c), vsmahjng (vsnes.c), tokkae (konamigx.c), sf2 (cps1.c)
sf2 - ストリートファイターII -ザ・ワールドウォリアー- (海外版 910522)
srmp4 - スーパーリアル麻雀 PIV (日本版)
tokkae - 対戦とっかえだま (ver JAA)
ttmahjng - T.T マージャン
vsmahjng - VS.麻雀 (日本版)
概 要INP再生がすぐにシンクロしなくなる。
詳 細So far, each game I've tested INP playback with, loses sync quickly. This results in playback not mirroring what was done when recorded. It's particularly noticeable in mahjong games, where a different tileset is dealt each time you attempt to playback the INP file. None of the mentioned tested games have ever experienced INP playback issues before.
再現手順First, record an INP using -record filename.inp, then attempt to playback the same INP you just recorded, using -playback filename.inp. The playback will eventually not match up to how it was recorded.
追加情報Attached a test INP of Taisen Tokkae-dama. It should get to stage 8 in normal mode, but on playback the first opponent is not the same as it was when recorded.
添付ファイルzip file124test_tokkae.zip (2008-03-24 21:50)
zip file124test_srmp4.zip (2008-03-24 21:51)
zip file124test_sf2.zip (2008-03-24 21:52)
zip file124atest_tokkae.zip (2008-03-25 15:50)